الملخص Abstract |
* Structur of omega-3 fatty acid.
* Function of omega-3 fatty acid.
* The relation between PUFA and oocyte, embryo quality.
* Essential n-3 Fatty acid influence on implantation.
نشرت دراسات عديدة عن أوميغا- 3 وفوائد تناوله للحماية من أمراض شتى (الزهايمر، الآفات القلبية الأمراض المفصلية، السكري، الضغط)، ومع تطور الأبحاث وجد أنه يعمل على تنظيم مستوى الليبتين في المبيض والرحم، ويعمل على تهيئة مستقبلات الرحم للتعشيش، ويتوفر بغزارة في زيت السمك المصنوع من الطحالب البحريه، وبذر الكتان وأيضا البروكلي. ومن الجدير بالذكر الاهتمام بانتقاء النوع الغني بالأحماض غير المشبعه. وقد تبين من خلال دراسة عابرة لبعض مرضى أجروا طفل الأنبوب في مستشفى تشرين العسكري، تأثيراً ايجابياً على البطانة الرحمية ونسبة الحمل من خلال تناول زيت السمك وهذا ما ستوضحه هذه الدراسة.
Omega-3 Fatty acid
Definition: Omega-3 fatty acids are a specific type of unsaturated fat. The body cannot manufacture on its own, so they must be obtained from food. There are three types of Omega-3 fatty acids that are important in human metabolism. These are:
1-Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA);
2-Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA);
3-α-Linolenic Acid (ALA).
The main components of all fats are the fatty acids which might be saturated, monounsaturated or
polyunsaturated. Fats containing a high proportion of saturated fatty acids are solid at room temperature.
Most plant fats are high in either polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fats except palm and coconut fat which is highly saturated.
Saturated and monounsaturated fats are not necessary in the diet as they can be made in the human body.
Two polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) that cannot be made in the body are linoleic acid-6 and alpha-linolenic acid-3. They must be provided by diet and are known as essential fatty acids.
In the body PUFAs are important for maintaining the membranes of all cells; for making prostaglandins which regulate many body processes which include inflammation and blood clotting. Another requirement for fat in the diet is to enable the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K to be absorbed from food; and for regulating body cholesterol metabolism, antioxidant affect.
Essential Fatty Acids |
α-Linolenic Acid (ALA) is considered to be an essential nutrient. is converted in the body to EPA
Many factors affect the rate of conversion and one factor seems to be a high food intake of linoleic acid which is typical of vegan diets and may suppress the body's ability to convert alpha-linolenic acid to DHA. Vegans can achieve a better balance of PUFAs in their body tissues by using less sunflower, safflower and corn oils and more oils containing alphalinolenic acid such as rapeseed (canola) oil, or soya bean and walnut oils. This would encourage their tissues to make more DHA.
DHA Function |
DHA the most important omega-3 fatty acid, it is an important component of neural and retinal membranes, and rapidly accumulates in the brain during gestation and the postnatal period.
EPA Function |
EPA can form 20-carbon unsaturated n-3 fatty acids, it is an essential fatty acid, also cannot be manufactured by the body can be manufactured into DHA if the body requires.
Pure EPA is a 90% Pure EPA concentrate that contains no DHA.
EPA has shown signs of reducing and possibly inhibiting the progression of breast cancer, as well as aid in treatment of multiple myeoloma in humans.
ALA function |
α-Linolenic acid ( ω-3 fatty acids).
Linoleic acid (ω-6 fatty acid) polyunsaturated n-3 (omega-3), n-6 (omega-6) fatty acid
They are member of the group of essential fatty acids Most seeds and seed oils are much richer in both of them.
There are good fats and bad fats. Any artificially produced fat, called transfats, are not good for us and saturated fats should always be kept at a minimum. So EFA’s are not only good for health, but essential for normal growth and development. |
Effects of dietary unsaturated fatty acids on oocyte quality and follicular development |
The various fatty acids have differential effects on reproductive responses and can affect oocyte and embryo development.
N-6, n3, Essential fatty acids, “the good fats” are vitally important for hormone balance and general/ovarian health in the period leading up to and during IVF, and pregnancy. One tablespoon of organic flax seed oil should provide the daily recommend dose. Keep refrigerated, and use on salads and savory foods.
Effects of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on ovarian: Approximately 30% of the total fatty acid content of both phospholipids PLs and triacylglycerols TAGs is made up of polyunsaturated fatty acids. TAGs was significantly higher than that in PLs at all stages of oocyte development.
The presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the ovaries indicates the occurrence of lipid transport to the ovary during oocyte maturation. The gradual decrease in the relative abundance of polyunsaturated fatty acids as the ovaries matured supports previously published results suggesting intra-ovarian synthesis of saturated and mono-unsaturated fatty acids.
Random study in Tishren Hospital- IVF department indicate fatty acid effect on implantation
patients going under IVF treatment:
(Group1) supplement fish oil pill daily from first day of stimulation:
Patient Name (P.N): 33
Age: 30-43
Protocol: long
P.N have womb lining thick 11 ml and over :18-54%
P.N have womb lining thick 9 ml and less: 6-18%
P.N have pregnant: 15-45%
(Group 2) no supplement fish oil:
P.N: 32 P.
Protocol: long
P.N have womb lining thick 11 ml and over: 10-31%
P.N have womb lining thick 9 ml and less: 12-37%
P.N have pregnant: 10-31%
Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology Dr. Haitham Mulhem
Gynecology Dr. Gassan Wannous
Biologyst Zainab Al Idelbi
Assistant Koukab Alhamod
Form for womb lining
Patient has two IVF trials
The permeability of the cell depends on the essential fatty acids. This allows nutrients into the cell and toxins to escape.
Enrich vitamin E, which help to repair quickly after the egg retrieval, ready to receive the incoming embryos.
Enrich vitami A, which aid the eggs.
Random study about fish oil which enrich omega-3 in tishren hospital give us positive sings for womb lining and PR. meaning should put diet schedual for IVF patient
depend on essential fatty acid to improve all this facts about fatty acid and get better result as we can.

Without fish oil

With fish oil |
Reference: |
1-Vegan Society, 2004-2008.
2-Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 11(3): 297-302, 2008.
3-Current Organic Chemistry, 4, 11, 1185-1200, 2000.
4-Yvonne Bishop-Weston.
5-Plant based sources of vegan & vegetarian Docosahexaenoic acid 5-DHA and Eicosapentaenoic acid EPA & Essential Fats.
Retrieved on, 2008-08-05.
6-Hardman W. Elaine.
(n-3) Fatty Acids and Cancer Therapy.
Article published on May 01, 2009.
7-Jo George Life Medicine Clinic.
Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine, Date Published 01/05/08.